
The Janet backbone The Janet network is based around a high-speed, high bandwidth backbone. The latest version of the backbone, which was designed to provide a high level of reliability as well as substantially increased capacity, came into full service in early 2007. It currently runs at 100Gbit/s. A PDF map of the present Janet backbone is provided here and a schematic is available here.
This section contains How Tos about the groups feature of the Community site
This section contains How Tos about the types of account and how to register or login.
Version: 3 Issued: June 2019 Reference: IM-DOC-005 Owner: Adric Warth Last Reviewed Date: 13/07/2020 We may use cookies. A cookie is a small piece of data or message that is sent from a web server to your browser and may be stored on your hard drive. A cookie can't read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. Cookies do not damage your system.
The Janet badges are used to identify the role of the user who has created the content that you are reading. JE – this person works for Janet. JSD – this person works on the Janet Service Desk JT – this person is one of the Janet training staff. CSIRT – this person is a member of the CSIRT. JB – this person is one of the Janet Brokerage team. JV - this person has had their identity verified on the Janet site. JVCS - this person works for the Janet Videoconferencing Service.
This section is a user manual to help users with aspects of the Jisc community site Dealing with: Content Groups Login and accounts Users
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