Library items tagged: How_to

You can gain points by creating content, commenting on existing content or joining a group. Your user points will be shown in your user profile as well as the reason for gaining the points. Your points will appear on your user name which is on the site next to your content.
Groups allow you to bring colleagues together to share and discuss ideas. Any logged in user can create a group. To prevent creating duplicate groups, it is advisable to search the current project and group listing or to search for terms on the site and see if any groups are shown.
When writing an article, event or similar content type, there is a What You See Is What Get (WYSIWIG) editor to help you. One of the options is to upload images. On the tool bar, there is an image of a picture frame with a house in it which will allow you to upload an image to show on your page, or to browse existing images if you need to re-use one. Click on the icon and a box will pop-up. On this box, you will need to use the 'Browse Server' option to open up a pop-up box which will give you further options. 
Insert image using the image button on the uploader toolbar. When you have uploaded the image resize it to 200 pixels wide. Insert the smaller file into the url section of the image uploader. Fill in the alternative text for the image. In the link tab, the url should be set to the original, full sized image stored on the server. Do not set a target. In the advanced tab, set the id and stylesheet classes each to ‘caption’. Set the long description and advisory title fields to the caption of the image.
This section contains How Tos about the parts of the site which allow you to interact with other community members.
This section contains How Tos about the creating your content to share on the Community site.
This section contains How Tos about the groups feature of the Community site
This section contains How Tos about the types of account and how to register or login.
You can form connections with your colleagues. If you go to the person who you want to follow’s profile, which you can find by clicking on their name or going to their user profile in<first>-<last>. Click the “Connect to this User” button and then confirm your action if you want to go ahead with the connection. The recipient will receive a notification in the connections section in their profile. They will have the chance to accept or decline the connection.
If you are a group administrator, through either creating the group or being made an administrator, you can manage the membership of the group. The ‘People’ tab allows the user to view and manage the status of people in the group. The ‘active’ status means that the user is subscribed and can use the group facilities. The ‘pending’ status means that a user has requested group membership but is currently not subscribed.