Library items tagged: support

The following notes provide some hints and tips about the use of e-mail. They cover the content and format of e-mails, sending and receiving attachments, courtesy and general housekeeping tips. Common Courtesy Always consider the feelings of recipients when composing e-mails. Good manners are also important when dealing with incoming e-mail. E-mail should be read at least once a day if possible. If users are away for long periods, try to let people know.
This appendix discusses what subnetting is and gives some examples of how IP addresses can be separated into a network part and a host part. It describes a simple college subnet and shows how subnet masks are used to decode IP addresses. The final section covers binary numbers and converting to and from decimal.  
Janet is responsible for the overall management of Janet. However, there are also other organisations that are engaged in running all or part of the network, or providing support. The following paragraphs describe how these bodies are related.
The Janet backbone The Janet network is based around a high-speed, high bandwidth backbone. The latest version of the backbone, which was designed to provide a high level of reliability as well as substantially increased capacity, came into full service in early 2007. It currently runs at 100Gbit/s. A PDF map of the present Janet backbone is provided here and a schematic is available here.
1. The Structure of Janet 2. Managing and Supporting Janet 3. Record of Network Information and Contacts PDF available 4. Examples of Fault Reporting Letters Example of a Fault Reporting Letter for Janet-connected Organisations Fault Reporting Letter for Sites Subscribing to the Managed Router Service 5. No longer used 6. No longer used
Janet manages Janet in accordance with policies set by JISC. Janet Network Connection Policy   The Janet Network Connection Policy defines explicitly who can connect to Janet.
Please visit the Products and Services section of the Janet website. 
Isolated individual computers are relatively secure as long as their physical well-being is ensured and regular backups are carried out to protect the integrity of the data held. However, once computers are connected to a LAN or WAN, they become exposed to threats which may jeopardize their proper operation and the safety and privacy of the data held.
Open relays allow any combination of origin and destination address, and are frequently abused by advertisers and others to distribute UBE. This will usually overload an organisation's mail server, affecting its ability to handle legitimate mail, and often leaves the organisation with a flood of complaints and error messages to deal with. Sites that are frequently abused as relays may be added to blacklists used by many network operators and ISPs to reject all e-mail and other traffic. Advice on preventing relaying is available from the MAPS website:
Routers are network devices that forward packets of data between different networks. A router between an organisation's LAN and JANET will not have a direct connection to every other router on the Internet. It is however possible to set up that router to forward packets to their destinations by the most efficient path. The router does this by referring to its routing tables, which list all the possible paths that data can take to get from source to destination IP address. Each router on the path repeats this process until the data reaches its final destination.