Library items tagged: network

Introduction With the introduction of iOS 14 and Android 11, MAC address randomisation will become more prevalent and will have some implications for our eduroam(UK) members.  History Starting with iOS 8 and Android 8 mobile device operating system vendors started using randomised MAC addresses while scanning for wireless networks. These pre-association MAC addresses were random at every sweep. This was a step towards ensuring user devices could scan for wireless networks without being tracked.
This appendix discusses what subnetting is and gives some examples of how IP addresses can be separated into a network part and a host part. It describes a simple college subnet and shows how subnet masks are used to decode IP addresses. The final section covers binary numbers and converting to and from decimal.  
Janet is responsible for the overall management of Janet. However, there are also other organisations that are engaged in running all or part of the network, or providing support. The following paragraphs describe how these bodies are related.
The Janet backbone The Janet network is based around a high-speed, high bandwidth backbone. The latest version of the backbone, which was designed to provide a high level of reliability as well as substantially increased capacity, came into full service in early 2007. It currently runs at 100Gbit/s. A PDF map of the present Janet backbone is provided here and a schematic is available here.
PB/INFO/022 (05/07) The role of a computer network should, in its simplest terms, be to carry commands and information from client software running on one computer to server software running on another computer, and to return information in response to those commands. Servers can be divided into two types: those that are freely available to any client and those where access is restricted by some test such as a password, a certificate or an IP address. In an ideal world this would be all the security that was needed: however, this ideal fails in reality for two reasons.