
19 May 2014 at 5:31pm
While most of the UK has been basking in sunshine I have spent the last two days in rainy Dublin. I'm at TNC2014 ( until Thursday, but there are so many AIM-related sessions I thought I would drip feed them to you rather than waiting until the end of the week.
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9 September 2013 at 10:02am
Apologies for the delay, but all of the videos of presentations from the day are now available to view online: The powerpoints for each presentation are also available (see previsous posts) 
9 September 2013 at 10:02am
Videoconferencing at Oaks Park High School Mr Jeff Hawthorne - Oaks Park High School, Ms Linda Hayes - Oaks Park High School  
9 September 2013 at 10:02am
Videoconference teaching in Dumfries and Galloway Schools Mr Alan Cameron - Dumfries & Galloway Council  
19 September 2013 at 2:24pm
-----------------Reminder about free sessions at Virtually University-------------------------------- We still have some spaces on the 2 videoconferences happening prior to half term. We would love to involve you if you have students you feel would benefit from the experience. The first is Sheffield's 'Good bye Lenin' German session on 12th October:
9 September 2013 at 9:54am
As part of a project with the Royal Shakespeare Company and Cisco, Janet used our new streaming servers to stream a production of I,Cinna to schools around the UK. To find out more visit the main Janet website.
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