Library items tagged: E.164

for English Local Education Authorities and Regional Broadband Consortia, Scottish Local Education Authorities and National Agencies, and Welsh Unitary Authorities After consideration of the views express by interested parties, the following E.164 numbering scheme will be operated for videoconferencing services provided to primary and secondary education throughout England, Scotland and Wales.
The Janet Videoconferencing Service (JVCS) provides central videoconferencing resource for both IP (H.323) and ISDN (H.320) endpoints, both point-point and multipoint. All users at Janet primary connected organisations are eligible to register and use the service free of charge (excluding ISDN call charges). Registered users may book guest endpoints in to videoconferences. In order to facilitate videoconferencing over IP JVCS operates a hierarchy of H.323 gatekeepers using the Global Dialling Scheme (GDS) as described on the IP Videoconferencing page.
In order to ensure standardised H.323 videoconferences can take place both within the UK and world wide, an H.323 Global Dialing Scheme (GDS) has been developed. SURFnet in the Netherlands, HEAnet in Ireland and ViDeNet in the US have also implemented this scheme. The GDS has been developed because a standardised H.323 addressing scheme is yet to be created. The GDS uses standards based E.164 addressing.