Library items tagged:

To insert a table into a library page you need to go to the page Edit screen.  Move the text cursor in the page to where you want the table to be inserted  Click on the Table button (to the right of the Styles drop-down menu):  A small window will pop-up where you can alter the table properties.  Here you decide how many rows and columns you wish the table to have, you can set the table width and height, cell padding and other properties.
Here are the steps you need to follow to update a library page in the event that you want to update the content, remove some text, or even just correct a typo.  Only users with the Editor or Moderator roles can edit library pages that they have not created, so if you cannot update a library page but believe you should be able to please email and we will evaluate whether you should be granted one of these roles.
This information has moved - see the latest Janet txt buyers guide
Janet txt framework Buyer's Guide Details on the Janet txt framework buyer's guide can be found here:
**Reference only**   **This framework agreement has now expired**   Janet 3G framework Buyer's Guide What is the scope of the framework?
To see a table on the Jisc Certificate Service group page, listing details of each of the available certificates, please follow this link
QuoVadis Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate Can now be requested directly through the JCS web app   ** Key features of the QuoVadis Extended Validation SSL certificate: **
Test 1: Frequency response (-3 dB) (Insert -6 dB signal at local site, measure at remote site)                  G.711 A law G.722.1 AAC-LD, G.719 4.2 KHz
Detailed tests were carried out using the H.264 HiP SVC and H.263 video protocols H.263 Connection Bandwidth Resolution and Frame Rate Audio Protocol 384 kbit/s