Organisation - registration and management

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Your organisation

You are able to see registered details of your organisation including all administrators, registered video systems, scheduled videoconferences and a list of users associated with the organisation.

Registering an organisation

To register a new organisation, you must agree that you are:

  1. Legally empowered to enter your organisation into service contracts, terms and conditions, and licenses.
  2. Authorised to enter your organisation into optional data protection agreements relating to recordings of video meetings made by members of your organisation, and contracts with financial implications.
  3. Prepared to act (or delegate duties) as an administrator for your organisation's use of Vscene, dealing with administration tasks for other users, and acting as the contact point for the Vscene service administrators to deal with.

Once you have agreed to the above, you may begin registering a new organisation. There are several fields that must be completed before submitting the registration. You are required to select the organisation's sector, which will automatically define your permissions to conference with participants in other sectors.

Sector calling permissions can be seen by changing the sector of your oganisation and described in more detail by the Vscene operators. The main rules affecting organisations are:

1. Schools sector organisations can only be added to a conference by other school sector organisations and educational content providers. Schools can schedule or launch conferences with any other education sectors (e.g. schools to H.E.), but other education sectors cannot schedule a conference with schools sector participants.

2. Commercial sector organisations can use Vscene as an internal confenrencing tool and can be called by any other registered organisation.

The Vscene Operators will process all registration forms that are submitted, and you will be notified of its status as soon as possible.

Which licence is right for me

When registering a new organisation, you must accept the terms on either the Jisc community licence or the Commercial contract.

Government funded higher and further education, research, professional and career development learning providers (PCDL) and government funded schools are eligible to use Vscene at no extra cost via a Community licence. 

Educational content providers, independent educational organisations and any commercial organisations, or otherwise non UK government funded organisations are invited to register to use the full feature set of Vscene under a commercial contract.

Commercial contract application procedure (not applicable to the Jisc community licence)

Any user agreeing to the terms of the commercial contract will be emailed the contract after the registration form is submitted. The form must be signed and original returned to the Vscene Service Manager as stated on the contract.

Once an organisation registration has been submitted, Vscene will acknowledge receipt of the registration form. An acknowledgement will also be sent via email with the appropriate licence application attached. You should read the email carefully and return any signed documentation to the Vscene Service Manager as soon as possible.

Registration approval

Service administrators with approval rights, will be able to approve/reject any organisation registrations via Vscene. After carefully reading the form details, administrators have the option to leave a comment for approval/rejection and click on the relevant button. Administrators are able to change the contract status by modifying the form.

Modifying your organisation's details

Organisational administrators have the opportunity to make modifications to their organisations details, such as the domain name, organisational administrators, address etc, by clicking on the ‘edit’ button.

Viewing the terms and conditions

All users can view the current Terms and Conditions, via their own organisation’s details page. To view, you can simply click on the ’View terms and conditions’ page.

The tariff is calculated as follows:
The UK customer base has been segmented into the four bands below, each of which has a different pricing structure.
All new customers will start in the lowest tariff band, except where it is deemed the organisation will have a high usage level from the outset. After a period of one year the tariff may be reviewed and amended if usage has been shown to go above the lowest band. Tier A is defined as up to 50 hours per annum. Tier B is defined as between 50 and 100 hours per annum. Tier C is between 100 and 500 hours per annum. Tier D is greater than 500 hours per annum. The customer will be invoiced retrospectively for extra usage.

There are four categories:

1.     Education and Research – this consists of all Higher and Further Educational institutions which are state supported, and all state funded schools
2.     Public Services – this is all other publicly funded bodies excluding Education and Research).
3.     Commercial – consists of all private organisations which provide some level of service back to education sector, such as content providers, industrial research partners etc.
4.     Commercial-Plus – commercial organisations that don’t provide any collaboration or input to the education network, perhaps having contributed at some point in the past.

There is no extra charge for directly connected Janet network organisations from UK Education and Research. The charge is included in the Jisc subscription.

For Public services, the charge is:
£300+vat per annum for Band A
£600+vat for Band B
£1,200+vat for Band C
£2,400+vat for Band D

For Commercial, the charge is:
£400+vat per annum for Band A
£800+vat for Band B
£1,600+vat for Band C
£3,200+vat for Band D

For Commercial Plus, the charge is
£5,000+vat per annum for Band A
£10,000+vat for Band B
£15,000+vat for Band C
£20,000+vat for Band D

Maintaining your users recording permission

Organisations that have registered since August 2015 are automatically licensed to permit their users to record conferences. Those registered prior to this will need to agree to additional terms and conditions to enable this feature.

Organisation administrators must set individual user permissions on recording videoconferences, prior to their users using the service to record. Administrators can choose to allow everyone across the organisation or only specific users to record videoconferences or virtual rooms they manage. User permissions can be changed at any time.

Searching for an organisation

To search for an organisation, you can either use the search box in the top right corner, or select ‘Search Organisation’ under the Organisation tab. You can add text to the ‘Organisation name containing’ box, or use the advanced filtering section to access more search filters. 

Viewing an organisation's details

To view the details of an organisation, you can click on the organisation name in the results table.