For a chance to win a Janet water bottle, please answer the following question:
In which city was this photo taken?
Send your answer to with the subject line 'JN20 competition' by Friday 8 March 2013 (remember to include your address)
For a chance to win a Janet water bottle, email and tell us in which city was this photo taken?
<h5 class="h5">For a chance to win a Janet water bottle, tell us where this photo was taken!</h5><p>A Janet member of staff recently went on a hiking expedition in Asia, can you guess which glacier this is?</p><p><img alt="" src="/system/files/public_images/water_bottle.JPG" style="width: 150px; height: 200px;" /></p><p>Competition rules:</p><p>1. This is not open to Janet staff!</p><p>2.
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