
Status-Server (RADIUS Code Type 12 packet) uses RFC 5997 - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5997.txt - to deliver a method of one RADIUS server or client to know the status of an upstream or downstream server. 
31 March 2021 at 10:23pm
This advisory has moved to: https://community.jisc.ac.uk/library/network-and-technology-service-docs/advisory-use-status-server-jul-2015
Reviewed 12/06/2019 Why do we need to configure attribute filtering? RADIUS packets contain various "attributes" which can be generated by the network access server (eg. AP or switch) and at RADIUS servers that handle the packets during authentication and accounting exchanges. Certain attributes play a key role in the process of correct assignment of the user to an appropriate VLAN. Depending on the manufacturer of the equipment, these can be RFC-defined attributes or vendor-specific ones.
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