
The Internet's ability to reproduce material perfectly, globally and at very low cost challenges some of the assumptions on which the system of Intellectual Property Rights (copyright, trademark, etc.) is based. A number of consultations have taken place to try to address these challenges
26 June 2012 at 9:10pm
Ofcom have at last published the Initial Obligations Code on how ISPs must deal with copyright infringement reports under the Digital Economy Act 2010.
4 May 2012 at 12:04pm
Given the outcome of previous hearings on copyright infringement, the court’s conclusion this week that the UK’s major ISPs should be ordered to block access to The Pirate Bay was no surprise. However the judgment raises an interesting technical issue. In a previous hearing, it had been pointed out that there was a way to get around blocks on individual web pages that would not be possible if the block instead referred to the IP address of the website as a whole.
6 June 2012 at 11:17am
The latest case brought by rightsholders under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 has found that bittorrent tracker site The Pirate Bay does infringe copyright according to the Act. Following this decision it seems likely that rightsholders will seek injunctions under s97A of the Act requiring ISPs to “block” access to the site, as they have already done for Newzbin.
6 June 2012 at 11:16am
After ruling last year on the balance between the rights of copyright holders, users and network providers, the European Court of Justice has now ruled on the same question applied to the case of a hosting provider, the social network Netlog.
6 June 2012 at 11:11am
There seems to be a shift in how Governments and rightsholders are looking to use Internet intermediaries, such as ISPs, to enforce Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) on line.
6 June 2012 at 11:10am
Over the past few months I've been working with UCISA's Networking Group to develop a set of standard templates that Janet customer organisations can use, if they wish, to respond to copyright infringement reports.
6 June 2012 at 11:07am
The European Court of Justice has set some limits for the sorts of measures that ISPs can be compelled to implement to discourage copyright breach by their networks. Back in 2004 the Belgian rightsholder representative SABAM sought a court order requiring an ISP, Scarlet, to install devices on its network that inspected the content of peer-to-peer communications and blocked any that appeared to contain copyright music.
6 June 2012 at 11:05am
The latest judgment from the BT/Newzbin case sets out what BT will be required to do to prevent its users accessing the Newzbin2 website that an earlier case found to be breaching copyright.
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