case studies

30 April 2015 at 4:35pm
The UK access management federation provides access to services for users based at participating institutions in the UK. This case study is a brief summary of the process associated with registering a service with the UKAMF and the advantages (and disadvantages) of doing so.
30 April 2015 at 4:06pm
This is a little bit of a pre-case-study as the AARC project hasn't even started at the time of writing. Nevertheless, many projects are starting up and attempt to solve or work around the types of problems that AARC aims to address - either by building on existing work, or by reinventing the wheel and "solving" the problem again.
2 February 2015 at 4:32pm
The GEANT project has published a report of its Enabling Users task. This worked with a number of international e-science communities to help them implement federated access management solutions using the eduGAIN interfederation service. The projects described are:
13 October 2014 at 10:33am
When working with AAI, it is sometimes useful to study how other projects have solved the same problems. Here is a list of projects that are doing work or have done relevant work and some core case studies from these. EUDAT and Contrail EUDAT is a FP7 project building a distributed "collaborative data infrastructure" (CDI in EUDAT-speak). EUDAT supports very diverse user communities which each have different ways of authenticating users and authorising them (and different models for authorisation). The principal goals of access are:
9 September 2013 at 9:20am
Healthcare services are realising the power of videoconferencing in helping them to maximise the use of their resources. Case studies for the Greater Midlands Cancer Network (GMCN) and the Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust can be found at:
Papers Foxes Academy Multi-site WAN based on EPS9, SHDSL and IP DSLAM
Nathan Prisk and Chris WhitwoodUniversity College Falmouth Abstract IP telephony is what is generally meant when traditional telephony is replaced with IP technologies – such as Voice over IP (VoIP) – within an enterprise or campus network. This briefing document provides an insight into the decisions behind and outcomes of deploying a VoIP system on a new campus site.
Simon Furber Abstract Brunel University has managed one of the first converged networks running data, voice and other services since 1999. This case study outlines some of the key drivers behind and experiences of this implementation and the strategy for IP communications that is going forward. Through example and experience, this highlights for the reader how to approach this type of project, regardless of the technology or vendor chosen.
JANET(UK) would like to hear from any JANET connected organisation which has an interesting experience with voice IP technology which could be used as the basis for a case study.
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