Library items tagged: state aid

BIS general guidance on State Aid: BIS guidance on Research, Development and Innovation:
Version: 4 Issued: December 2017 Reference: GEN-DOC-004 Author: A. Cormack Last Reviewed Date: 13/12/2017 The following are some examples of how this approach might typically apply to some common situations where a University wishes to use Janet as part of its business and community engagement activities.
The following describes how the use of Janet may be managed by a university in such a way as to minimise the risk of a challenge under State Aid rules, or at least to provide a robust defence against challenge. It is based on the JISC Legal publications referenced earlier.
The following are some commonly-asked questions about State Aid and its applicability to business and community engagement activities.
The definition formulated by the JISC Business and Community Engagement Advisory Group provides a useful context to this factsheet: Business and community engagement is the strategic management, by higher and further education organisations, of relationships with external partners and clients, and of the associated knowledge exchange and workforce development services. The objective is to deliver benefits to the economy and society, resulting in a more highly skilled workforce, a more efficient, dynamic and sustainable economy and a more cohesive, knowledge-enabled society.
The purpose of this factsheet is to provide an overview of State Aid legislation and how it can be managed by an organisation considering use of its Janet connection as part of its business and community engagement activities. It applies where the organisation is using Janet to provide ICT or other services to a business or community engagement partner, or where the partner is otherwise allowed access to Janet services.