Library items tagged: gatekeepers

An essential part of the configuration of the campus gatekeeper relates to the implementation of the GDS (Global Dialling Scheme). E.164 is an ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union – Technical) recommendation (or standard) which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN (public subscriber telephone network), and some other data networks.
A gatekeeper is an H.323 service component that supports the deployment of an H.323 service. A gatekeeper provides management functions to terminals. These include address translation, call set-up, service access control, and call logging. These services are accessed by a terminal ‘registering’ with a particular gatekeeper. All terminals registered with a particular gatekeeper are in its ‘zone’. Gatekeepers are usually deployed on the network to reflect organisational or geographical network topology.
This document is intended for use by those at JANET primary-connected organisations who have responsibility for deploying and/or configuring an organisational H.323 gatekeeper. It is intended to be a practical aid and does not consider the technical considerations underlying configuration commands unless these are necessary for the explanation of configuration options. The examples and discussion are confined to those commands necessary (both required and optional) for configuring the gatekeeper to work with JANET Videoconferencing.