Library items tagged: connecting

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Interfaces Router setup and the Janet Netsight Service Customers are expected to have an on-site IP router to connect their LAN to Janet. The choice of router will be determined by the capacity of the access link and the organisation's specific requirements. Organisations requiring informal advice on router products that have been successfully used by other sites on Janet should contact the Janet Service Desk for assistance.
The connection process is complex and involves many different parties, both internally and externally. The main point of contact during this process is the Connections Management Section. You can contact us on 01235 822308 or The following paragraphs provide a brief overview of the connection process.
The Network Access for Guests technical guide is available.
Introduction 1. These Terms (as defined in clause 6) apply to the provision by Janet(UK) to the User Organisation of any or all of those networking services which Janet(UK) has agreed to make available as a result of its financial memorandum with the Higher Education Funding Council for England (“HEFCE”) (“the Services”), and apply to any Connection to Janet that a User Organisation has from time to time.