Library items tagged: bundle credits

To view all certificate credit bundles purchased by your organisations, click on the down-arrow next to the 'JCS Account' tab, and select 'View Purchases', as shown below.
To view all bundles of certificate credits that your organisation has obtained, you click on the down-arrow next to the 'JCS Account' tab, and select 'View Bundles', as shown below.
Once you have logged into the Jisc Community and launched the JCS portal you can view all certificates which have been requested by your organisation. Do view these certificates, click on the down arrow next to the 'Account' tab and select 'View All Certificates', as shown below:
Once you have the appropriate certificate credit on your organisation's Certificate Service account, you can proceed and request the required SSL server certificate, by clicking on the 'Request Certificate' tab in the JCS portal. The following steps apply: Request Certificate 1. Is the certificate for a primary or secondary school? Note: only available to local authorities
Instructions for how to use the new JCS portal (accessible from are available from these pages. The main areas are: Managing Authorised Users Purchasing Certificate Bundle Credits