Modification request template

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Requesting Modification to a Domain Name under


All modifications must be sent through the Domain Registry Portal please contact us by email if you need access and the team will go through this with you.

If you are a registrar accepting a registrar transfer you can submit the request though this form.

If you have any issues or questions on modifications please email -

Data Protection

Jisc would like to make you aware that the information supplied for registering domain names under, and will be held and processed in Jisc's databases. It will be made available as a matter of public record by electronic enquiries made to Jisc and it's whois servers. Janet will also share this information with other organisations and their legal advisers but only for the purpose of ascertaining who has registered Domain Names, but only after bona fide checks have been made of people making such enquiries.

Since it is anticipated that not everyone who completes the template for a domain name registration will be doing it on their own behalf, Janet would like to make it clear that when Registrars submit an application on someone else's behalf (ie. their customer), that they are making an offer to form a contract as agent for that person/organisation and therefore have authority from that person/organisation to do so.

Jisc's records will include the names and contact details of both the Administrative Contact and the Technical Contact for each registered domain name. This information (if it refers to individuals) is 'personal data' for the purposes of data protection legislation. Janet will hold and process this data for the purpose of managing and administering the registration of domain names. Janet will not enter into a contract for the registration of a chosen Domain Name unless applicants are aware of and agree to this condition.

Commercial enterprises in general, the legal profession and the Internet industry do not approve of the illegal appropriation of Domain Names by those who have no rights to them.