Last updated: 
3 months 1 day ago
Group Manager

At the request of the Research Councils UK e-Infrastructure group, Janet established a working group from 2013-2016 to support those providing and using e-infrastructure services in achieving an approach that both protects services from threats and is usable by practitioners. More detail about the group can be found in the Terms of Reference

The Working Group published the following papers:

Information about the Working Group's activities, as well as discussion documents, links and recommendations is linked under the following categories. Unless marked otherwise, all items are works-in-progress and we very much welcome your comments and contributions.

Meetings   Presentations
Case Studies Discussions Technologies

Andrew Cormack (WG Chair)


This is a little bit of a pre-case-study as the AARC project hasn't even started at the time of writing.

Nevertheless, many projects are starting up and attempt to solve or work around the types of problems that AARC aims to address - either by building on existing work, or by reinventing the wheel and "solving" the problem again.


When working with AAI, it is sometimes useful to study how other projects have solved the same problems. Here is a list of projects that are doing work or have done relevant work and some core case studies from these.

EUDAT and Contrail

EUDAT is a FP7 project building a distributed "collaborative data infrastructure" (CDI in EUDAT-speak). EUDAT supports very diverse user communities which each have different ways of authenticating users and authorising them (and different models for authorisation).

The principal goals of access are:

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