
Last updated: 
2 months 3 weeks ago
Group Manager

This group has been created to keep you updated on the Janet6 project - to build the next generation of the Janet infrastructure.  

Please use this platform to discuss or ask questions surrounding the Janet6 project.  We will also post on this group any opportunities to get involved in events, briefings and discussions.

Further information on the project can be found on the Janet6 project pages.

Join our blog to get updates from the Janet6 team.

If you wish to discuss the Janet6 with the project team, please email janet6@ja.net


I and over 95 members of the Janet community went on-line yesterday to participate in the second of our online briefings on the progress of the Janet6 project. Jeremy Sharp, Head of Strategic Technologies described how Janet6 has come successfully through the requirements gathering and procurement phases and is now in the roll-out phase.


On 28 March 2013, we reached a very significant milestone in the delivery of Janet6 which was the final formal acceptance. from SSET, of the Janet6 Core fibre and the fibre instrastructure to the regional network entry points. 

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