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4 hours 46 min ago
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Welcome to the Training community group. Join this group to keep up-to-date with all the network and technology courses provided by Jisc. We provide a programme of high quality training opportunities on topics related to the Janet network and associated services. We welcome your feedback in this group and would be happy to answer any questions you have on any aspect of our courses. For details on our courses go here or visit our booking app here.

Basic Router Configuration

24 January 2014 at 1:52pm
Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - 09:30
Routers play a major role in any network and their effective configuration is vital in ensuring they run efficiently. The objective of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the configuration of network devices. Starting with the basics, this course will provide an overview of network devices and components. Delegates will have an opportunity to get hands-on experience in logging on to equipment and using configuration files. The course will look at the configuration of DHCP, NAT and PAT. Delegates will then work through some solutions to network security issues. The day will end with an opportunity to carry out further configurations on a router.
The course requires no previous experience in using or configuring routers, but assumes a degree of familiarity with basic telecommunications concepts such as serial/leased lines and Ethernet. This may be achieved by attending Janet’s ‘Basic Networking’ course. Experience with using a computer and a standard web browser is required.