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4 hours 19 min ago
Group Manager
Welcome to the Training community group. Join this group to keep up-to-date with all the network and technology courses provided by Jisc. We provide a programme of high quality training opportunities on topics related to the Janet network and associated services. We welcome your feedback in this group and would be happy to answer any questions you have on any aspect of our courses. For details on our courses go here or visit our booking app here.

Basic Networking

24 January 2014 at 1:54pm
Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 09:30
The main objective of this course is to provide delegates with a basic understanding of computer network technologies and concepts. It will begin with an overview of different network types and how these fit together within Janet. It then moves on to consider different network models and how they can be applied. The course will then look at some of the physical aspects of networks and the protocols that make it all work. Finally after a review of basic network applications, delegates will be lead through a very practical review of some of the key issues associated with campus networking. Throughout the course, delegates are given practical exercises and are shown demonstrations.
This course would be of benefit to anyone from organisations connected to Janet who wishes to gain a better understanding of the technical aspects of networking. This course requires no previous experience or knowledge in networks, the course is therefore suitable for staff from a non-technical background.