Since there was a lot of interest in my keynote presentation at the EUNIS 2018 conference last week, this post collects together the slides and the blog posts that provide further analysis and discussion of the ideas:
I've been trying to produce a visual image to capture the twelve steps to GDPR compliance.
For details of the individual steps see:
The Information Commissioner’s new guidance on Consent under the General Data Protection Regulation contains some useful guidance for universities and colleges in particular.
Learning analytics dashboards, like the class mark books that long preceded them, show tutors a lot of information about their students. That could be pretty intrusive, so should universities and colleges be asking students to consent before tutors look at their data?
Delighted to report that our first Data Protection Impact Assessment, for the Janet Security Operations Centre, is now publiushed at
Thanks to the SOC and GDPR teams who made this happen!
Article 35 of the General Data Protection Regulation introduces a requirement to conduct a formal Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) for any processing that may involve a high risk to individuals. The Article 29 Working Party’s DPIA guidance contains a helpful list of nine factors that may give rise to a high risk. Any activity involving two or more factors is likely to require a DPIA.
The Article 29 Working Party has recently highlighted the importance of detecting and mitigating information security breaches.
The Govenment has published the Network and Information Security Regulations 2018, which will implement the EU NIS Directive in the UK from May 9th. The education sector is not covered by either law.
Like the current Data Protection Act 1998, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply to any research involving data about identifiable living individuals. Also like the Act, the Regulation provides for adaptation in a couple of areas where this is needed to make such research possible.
As the GDPR approaches, several customer organisations have asked us if the Janet network will be offering a data processor contract. Presumably the idea is that the organisation that creates an IP packet is the data controller for the source IP address and that all the other networks that handle the packet on its journey are (sub-)processors.