In data protection circles, the phrase "Safe Harbour" doesn't have a great reputation. Wikipedia describes those as setting hard boundaries around an area where "a vaguer, overall standard" applies. Famously, in 2015, the European Court of Justice struck down the data protection Safe Harbor arrangement negotiated between the European Commission and the US Government.
The Government's new White Paper on Online Harms is strikingly wide in both the range of harms identified, and the range of entities asked to play a part in reducing them. The White Paper envisages that harmful content could be spread through any online facility that allows individual users to share content, to find content shared by others, or interact with each other.
[Re-purposing an unused introduction to my full paper - "See no... Hear no... Track no..: Ethics and the Intelligent Campus" - that was published in the Journal of Information Rights, Policy and Practice this week]
To my ex-programmer ears, phrases like "web 2.0" and "industry 4.0" always sound a bit odd. Sectors don’t have release dates, unlike Windows 10, iOS 12 or Android Oreo. Oddly, one field that does have major version releases is the law: it would be quite reasonable to view 25th May 2018 as the launch of Data Protection 3.0 in the UK. Looking at past release cycles, it seems likely to be fifteen to twenty years before we see version 4.0.
In a workshop at last week's AMOSSHE conference, we discussed how wellbeing analytics might be able to assist existing Student Support services.
Earlier this week I did a presentation to a group from Dutch Universities on the ethics work that Jisc has done alongside its studies, pilots and services on the use of data.
Shortly after we did out first Data Protection Impact Assessments, on the Janet Security Operations Centre and the Jisc Learning Analytics Service, the ICO published its
Incident response teams often share information when investigating incidents. Some patterns may only become apparent when data from different networks are compared; other teams may have skills – such as analysing malware – to understand data in ways we cannot. Since much of this information includes IP or email addresses - information classed as Personal under data protection law - concerns have arisen that attackers might be able to use the law to frustrate this sharing.
Under current plans the UK will become - for data protection purposes - a "third country" when it leaves the EU.
With the GDPR having now been in force for more than six months, my talk at this week's EUNIS workshop looked at some of the less familiar corners of the GDPR map. In particular, since EUNIS provided an international audience, I was looking for opportunities to find common, or at least compatible, approaches across the international endeavours of education and research.
Topics covered: What is a University? Network and Information Security; Research; Learning Analytics; Intelligent Campus; and Wellbeing.