Last updated: 
4 months 1 week ago
Group Manager
Welcome to the Jisc Certificate Service group. For an update on the NEW Jisc certificate service please follow the below link. The New Jisc Certiface Service  The service offers a number of different X509 SSL certificates, including Extended Validation certificates that give users the highest possible assurance, as well as S/MIME email certificates for digitally signing emails. Jisc has an agreement with the Certificate Authority, QuoVadis who is the provider of the certificates. The service has been running since 2006 and has issued many thousands of certificates to organisations in UK research and education. This is a Community group where users can obtain relevant information, receive service updates and provide feedback.

Charging FAQs

25 July 2016 at 10:24am

For all FAQs please click on the header link 'Charging FAQs'

Jisc Certificate Service – charging update 24.04.2013 - 10 new points:

1. Why is the date for charging being moved?

Following feedback from members of our community that use the service, we have made the decision to change and simplify the pricing structure. This will involve some additional work on our website to manage the payments, and we also realise that you will need some extra time to adjust to the new framework. We have therefore decided to begin charging on 3 June 2013.

2. Why do DV, OV and EV certificates now cost the same?

The pricing structure has been simplified enabling the community to buy just one bundle for all three types of certificates. You now do not need to decide up front how many of each certificate type and therefore each type of certificate bundle you require, just the total number of certificates.

By levelling the pricing, Jisc has also made it easier to secure more of your web services with higher assurance certificates, as the financial cost is no longer an purchasing factor.

3. How long are certificate credits valid for in each bundle?

Each bundle is now valid for 2 years.

4. Why extend the time certificate bundles are valid for?

We received feedback that 12 months for the life of bundles was too short;Taking this into account Jisc has decided to extend this to two years (the same as the life of the current Certificate Authority supplier), enabling the community to buy more certificates at a greater discount, and ensuring that you have enough time to use up all certificate credits in the bundle.

5. What are the benefits of having one single fee?

By simplifying the pricing structure so that there’s no financial difference between DV, OV, and EV certificates, we’ll reduce your administrative overhead limiting the need to purchase different types of certificate bundle.

Furthermore, due to the complexity of forecasting certificate type requirements from different departments,centralised IT teams may not be able to precisely calculate what types of bundles were required. Therefore, these teams would have to recharge these costs to specific departments and devolved colleges. With the new simplified system, they can purchase all of the organisation’s certificates in one bundle, offering SSL certificates as a part of their core IT service.

6. Are the certificates competitively priced?

Yes. On the commercial market DV certificates are priced in the region of £50 per year, or £150 for three years. Higher assurance certificates, OV and EV are prices at over £100 per year. This compares to a per-certificate cost of £35 (or less for bundles with five certificate or more) for the entire three years of the life of the certificate.

7. Are prices quoted exclusive of VAT?


8. How will I be able to purchase certificates?

Using the new JCS web App on the Jisc Community website.

9. When will the new JCS web App be launched?

At the same time as when charging is introduced, on 3 June 2013.

10. Can I purchase certificates in advance of when charging is introduced?

Yes. You can raise a Purchase Order (PO) in advance of 3 June. You should then send the Janet Service Desk ( the PO details and we will arrange for an invoice to be sent out within seven working days.

Jisc Certificate Service FAQ:

1. Why are you charging for the service?

Jisc has to respond to changing market conditions while ensuring that we continue to meet your requirements. We undertake regular reviews of the services we offer to ensure they represent good value for you and a continued good investment.

We are aware that while alternatives are available in the market, this is a valuable service to you, so we propose to continue offering it as a charged service. We recognise this is a significant change and so the charges will be competitive. We are also ensuring that there is ample time for Jisc customers to download new certificates during the next six months in advance of this change to the service on 3 June 2013.

The introduction of a charge for this service ensures the continuance of the service for the future. By making it self-sustainable we are guaranteeing its future. 

2. Jisc has always been not-for-profit - where is the revenue going?

Any revenue made from the service will be re-invested into this and other Jisc services to ensure the continuation of the same level of quality and continued development of Jisc services, to meet your needs. 

3. Will other 'free' Jisc services now be chargeable? What about the Network?

Our aim is to ensure that we offer services that provide you with excellent value for money, within our not-for-profit ethos. We regularly review all of our services to ensure that we continue to deliver sustainable and valued services to you, effectively and efficiently.

The Network remains core to the Jisc offering, and funding to implement and manage Janet6 has been secured, ensuring that you will continue to receive the benefits of this world-leading research and education network, just as you have been used to.

4. Will different types of certificates be charged at different prices?

No, not any longer. Domain Validated (DV), Organisation Validated (OV) and Extended Validation (EV) certificates will now be charged at the same price, offering incredible discounts on higher assurance certificates. Other specialist certificates will be charged at varying rates but will still be discounted and commercially competitive. More information can be found in the Certificate Service group at

5.Why shouldn't we just purchase certificates directly from commercial providers?

We leave that decision to you, however, we do make the process simple, easy to follow, and we offer a very competitive pricing structure in keeping with our non-profit ethos.

6. My organisation doesn’t have a primary Janet connection – can I still purchase these certificates from Jisc?

If you are a Local or Unitary Authority, you are able to purchase these certificates from Jisc whether you have a Janet primary connection or not.

7. To date, my organisation has not requested certificates from Jisc – are we eligible to do so whilst the service is still free – so up until 2 June 2013?

Yes. Both existing and new customers of the service are welcome to request new certificates at no additional charge, before the charging model is introduced on 3 June 2013.

8. There are proposed changes by the industry authorities, to the wider certificate issuing process – what does this mean for the Jisc service?

The proposed change means nothing for Jisc certificate customers at this time, If any changes are implemented, Jisc will be proactive in delivering this information to you.

9. How can certificates be purchased?

From 3 June 2013, when charging is implemented, certificates can be purchased online using a credit card, or through a Purchase Order. These options will be made available to authorised users of the service, when they log into the new JCS Web App, which will go live in the App Center also on 3 June 2013.

10. Will charging affect existing certificates?

Certificates that have already been issued are unaffected and will continue to be valid until their stated expiry date.

11. Is the cost of certificates quoted per year?

The charges stated relate to the duration of that certificate. There is not a significant cost to Jisc for administrating a 1, 2 or 3-year certificate, and so there is no additional cost to subscribers.