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This group is for those interested in Ultra High Definition technology and its potential for use.

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Ultra High Definition Project

9 September 2013 at 10:02am

Ultra high definition technology has become a standard within the last few years, explored not only within the broadcast trade but also, more recently within the education and research industry. There has been an emerging interest, with its role yet to be defined within the education and research community.

Ultra high definition technologies such as ‘4K’ and more recently ‘8K’ have superior pixel resolution than standard high definition. 4K is approximately 4,096 x 2,160 pixel resolution (for digital cinema) compared to 1,920 x 1,080, which is the highest resolution display currently available for standard high definition.

Janet intends to research into the technology with an aim to discover more about the ultra high definition, including how it best suits the needs of the Janet community. We aim to explore and understand the technology, equipment and how it works on Janet.

The ultimate intention is to understand the next steps, bringing knowledge gained from this project, to allow Janet to use the technology to help the community. We also anticipate using the project to demonstrate ultra high definition technology.