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One of Jisc’s activities is to monitor and, where possible, influence regulatory developments that affect us and our customer universities, colleges and schools as operators of large computer networks. Since Janet and its customer networks are classified by Ofcom as private networks, postings here are likely to concentrate on the regulation of those networks. Postings here are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate on the date they are made, but may well become out of date or unreliable at unpredictable times thereafter. Before taking action that may have legal consequences, you should talk to your own lawyers. NEW: To help navigate the many posts on the General Data Protection Regulation, I've classified them as most relevant to developing a GDPR compliance process, GDPR's effect on specific topics, or how the GDPR is being developed. Or you can just use my free GDPR project plan.

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New JANET Documents

Wednesday, June 6, 2012 - 10:27

I'm happy to announce the publication of a couple of new JANET factsheets covering frequently asked questions. As with all factsheets these aim to be a short (two page) introduction to an area, to let you know whether you should be concerned and, if so, what to do next. The new ones are:

Cloud Computing: an area where there seem to be lots of long documents, but very few short ones. The Cloud Computing factsheet summarises the issues that came up in a round-table discussion at the UCISA management conference, plus a few questions that have been raised with JANET staff over the past few months.

Vulnerable visitors to HE networks: although the responsibilities of schools and FE colleges to take care of young people and other vulnerable users are relatively clear in law and guidance, the position of HE organisations seems to be much less clear. However there are a number of situations where young people may visit universities - including school trips and masterclasses - and the implications of these for IT staff and services have been causing concern. Although I still haven't tracked down any definitive requirements, the factsheet on Managing Safety for Children and other vulnerable Guests in HE summarises the very helpful suggestions that have come from JANET sites and others in HE, FE and schools sectors.

There's also a revised version of my technical guide on Logfiles, brought up to date for recent developments in both law and practice.

As ever, many thanks to all those who have contributed to these, and comments and suggestions are very welcome.