Library items tagged: firewalls

It has become increasingly popular over the last few years for Janet sites to deploy firewalls; many sites have realised that their users do not require full, open access to all workstations and servers on a campus. By controlling access, staff time can be saved in chasing up ‘hacking’ incidents, and the types of service used can be kept under control. Bandwidth usage is also rising dramatically, so firewalls now have to be able to operate at gigabit speeds.
A simple firewall uses rules based on virtual 'ports' and IP addresses to filter traffic. Most Internet applications and services have well known ports on which machines 'listen' for communications (as standardised by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)). Firewalls will generally be configured to block anything by default but then allow traffic to flow through certain ports, either to and from any IP address or to a subset of IP addresses.
A firewall is a system that implements and enforces an access control (or security) policy between two networks, for example between an internal private network and an external public network. Essentially, a firewall connects two or more networks but only allows specified forms of traffic to flow between them.