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To help you tick off the requirements detailed in the Tech Spec and be confident in asserting compliance on the Support server, we've put together the following checklists: Mandatory Requirements Checklist (August 2016) Appendix 1 of the eduroam(UK) Technical Specification in quick checklist format
Guidance Document - Cost of Implementing eduroam Aiming to serve as a business decision making tool, this document provides guidance on the costs involved in implementing eduroam. The costs are broken down into clearly defined work areas and categorised by type of service - Visited-only, Home, Home and Visited.
This is Jisc's response to the DMCS call for views on Derogations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
This is Jisc's response to the ICO's request for feedback on Profiling under the General Data Protection Regulation. 1. When, how and why does your organisation carry out profiling? Do you agree that there has to be a predictive element, or some degree of inference for the processing to be considered profiling?
The Guidance makes a surprisingly broad distinction between public and private sector organisations, even when they process the same data for the same purposes. This would remove important protections when personal data are processed by the public sector, and does not appear to be required by the General Data Protection Regulation that the Guidance aims to implement.
The room information panel Joining through your web browser Joining through a videoconferencing system Joining through your phone Joining through a VidyoRoom system The connection information window is your portal to any conference or virtual room on Vscene. Click 'Join' next to a scheduled conference or virtual room to open it.
Joining the room The sidebar Setup Screen share Chat Controls, and other features Joining a videoconference via a browser is easier than ever on our new conference interface, available in Chrome and Firefox. Joining the room
IntroductionIn a new partnership with Ajenta, Jisc are planning the next evolution of the Vscene videoconferencing service. A new commercial strategy will bring much improved features and enhancements to the current service as well as greater flexibility and interoperability. To ensure we maintain a consistently innovative and competitive solution, Vscene will be a paid for service from 1March 2018. Below are some FAQs provided to help you understand the changes.
These are Jisc's comments on the Article 29 Working Party's Guidelines on the Right to Data Portability (WP242).