Vscene Features and Benefits

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  • Free to most of UK education and research (Eligibility)
  • Live telephone support 08:00 to 21:00 weekdays, 08:00 to 17:00 Saturdays (national rate call)
  • Online videoconference scheduling & launching system (with federated access available)
  • All calls are setup from our central systems on the Janet core reducing latency
  • Centrally controlled calls reduce interoperability issues and allow support team to quickly resolve issues
  • Calls initiated by our scheduling system are dialled out (by default) from us to all parties so users only need to answer calls at their sites, reducing need to be familiar with complex dialling methods or different equipment
  • Calls route within the Janet network (unless a participant is outside Janet)
  • All calls are encrypted (where supported) *
  • Multi-party call capability
  • Bridging between IP, SIP and PSTN capability
  • Online live call management via web interface allowing booker, site admin and other authorised users to quickly modify many key meeting functions (e.g. add more users, change layout, re-connect sites)
  • Email confirmation of bookings with connection information sent automatically to booker, venue administrators, and guests with a calendar attachment to ‘drag and drop’ into calendar
  • Virtual meeting rooms can be created for ad-hoc sessions which have a fixed address for users to dial in
  • Recording capability in 3 resolutions, with content capture
  • Streaming to up to 300 sites from a web link (with optional access code lock)
  • Desktop plugin for Windows & Mac users to join conferences and see/share content from their desktop (admin rights not required to install)
  • Automated test system for plugin so anyone can download and test it works on their system (available 24/7)
  • Quality assurance testing, both automated (available 24/7) and more extensive tests with trained operators can be booked in advance
  • Extensive reporting and statistical information available for scheduled sessions
  • Advisory service (VTAS) offering unbiased technical advice

* Calls between Vscene and Visimeet are shown as unencrypted, however the only unencrpted part is between the 2 servers in a rack in our co-location facility. We are working to improve this.