Using certificates issued by the Janet Certificate Service with MS IAS
Jezz Palmer, University of Wales Swansea
Paul Matthews, University of Wales Swansea
Josh Howlett, Janet
Table of Contents
2.3 Configure the Microsoft Management Console
2.4 Import the chaining certificate
2.5 Import the IAS certificate
2.6 Configuring the IAS Remote Access Policies
3. Appendix I – Example ias.cnf
4. Appendix II – Acknowledgements
1. Introduction
This document explains how to configure Microsoft Internet Authentication Service to use certificates issued by the Janet Certificate Service (JCS).
The material in this document is based on Stephen Pillinger’s documentation ( and has been extended to explain how a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) can be signed by a third-party Certificate Authority (CA), such as Comodo CA, issued through the Janet Certificate Service.
Ensure that your organisation is registered with the Janet Certificate Service before proceeding with these instructions.
2. Procedure
2.1 Patch OpenSSL1. Create a working directory and change directory into it.
$ mkdir openssl-peap && cd openssl-peap
2. Download the openssl source tarball and untar it.
$ wget
$ tar -xzf openssl-0.9.8e.tar.gz
3. Download Stephen Pillinger’s patch.
$ wget
4. Change directory to the openssl source directory, patch it and compile.
$ patch -p1 < ../openssl-0.9.8a-patch.txt
$ ./config && make
Note: the patched version of openssl is built in the apps directory. This documentation assumes the use of this binary where “openssl” is mentioned. Ensure that this binary is used, not another openssl binary that may be present on the system (such as that provided by the operating system vendor).
2.2 Generate the certificate
5. Create the server key, server.key.pass.
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key.pass -passout pass:1234 2048
6. Remove the password from server.key.pass, creating server.key.
$ openssl rsa -in server.key.pass -out server.key -passin pass:1234
7. Delete server.key.pass.
$ rm server.key.pass
8. Generate the certificate request file, server.csr.
Note: the -config option points to ias.cnf, an openssl configuration that specifies the use of the required extendedKeyUsage attributes. An example is provided in Appendix I.
$ openssl req -new -days 3650 -config ias.cnf -key server.key -out server.csr
Note: do not enter a challenge password if prompted.
9. Display server.csr.
$ openssl req -noout -text -in server.csr
Certificate Request:
Version: 0 (0x0)
Subject: C=GB, ST=Wales, L=Swansea, O=University of Wales, Swansea, OU=LIS,
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)
Modulus (2048 bit):
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
Requested Extensions:
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Key Usage:
Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
TLS Web Client
Authentication, TLS Web Server Authentication
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
10. Submit the server.csr file through the Janet Certificate Service, by following the URL to the service's web portal:
Note: Comodo will only issue a successful certificate request once the email challenge process has been completed, known as Domain Control Validation (DCV). The email address for this step is also selected through the web portal. For further information about DCV see
11. Once your application has been processed successfully, Comodo CA will email you with the requested certificate. Save the PEM file signed and provided by Comodo CA to a file called Comodo-CA.pem.
12. Rename the original server.key to cert.pem.
$ cp server.key cert.pem
13. Generate a public and private key pair using the original server key and the signed Comodo-CA PEM file, cert.pem.
$ openssl x509 -in Comodo-CA.pem >> cert.pem
14. Using the cert.pem file, generate a PKCS12 file.
$ openssl pkcs12 -name "IAS Cert" -export -in cert.pem -out cert.p12 -CSP 'Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider' -LMK
15. Copy your newly created certificate file, cert.p12, to the IAS server.
16. Download the TERENA SSL CA chaining certificate to the IAS server; this certificate is located at
2.3 Configure the Microsoft Management ConsoleNote: it is only necessary to complete this section if you have not already configured the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) for certificate management.
17. To open the MMC, select Start...Run and enter mmc and then press Return.
18. Within the new console window, select File...Add/Remove Snap-in.
19. Select the Add button and then select Certificates from the list of Available Standalone Snap-ins.
20. Select the Computer account option and click Next.
21. Ensure that the Local computer option is selected, and then select Finish.
22. Select Close in the Add Standalone Snap-in dialogue.
23. Select OK on the Add/Remove Snap-in dialogue.
24. Select File...Save As, provide a name and location and select Save.
2.4 Import the chaining certificate25. Open the Certificate Management Console if it isn’t already open.
26. Expand the Certificates (Local Computer) tree.
27. Right-click the Intermediate Certification Authorities, select All Tasks and then select Import; this opens the Certificate Import Wizard.
28. Select Next and then browse to the ‘TERENASSLCA.crt’ chaining certificate; select it and then select Open.
29. Select Next, ensuring that the Place all Certificates in the following store option is selected, and that Intermediate Certification Authorities is listed in the Certificate Store box.
30. Select Next to accept, then Finish and finally OK to finish the Certificate Import Wizard.
2.5 Import the IAS certificate31. Open the Certificate Management Console if it isn’t already open.
32. Expand the Certificates (Local Computer) tree.
33. Right-click on Personal, select All Tasks, and then select Import; this opens the Certificate Import Wizard.
34. Select Next and then browse to the location of the IAS certificate; change the Files of type drop-down menu to Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx, *.p12); select your IAS certificate and then select Open.
35. Select Next; do not enter a password and select Next.
36. Select Next, ensuring that the Place all Certificates in the following store option is selected, and that Personal is listed in the Certificate Store box.
37. Select Next to accept, then Finish and finally OK to finish the Certificate Import Wizard.
38. Within the Certificates Management Console, expand the Certificates (Local Computer) tree.
39. Expand the Personal branch and select Certificates.
40. Double-click the IAS certificate to open the certificate’s Properties dialogue.
41. Select the Details tab, and then select the Edit Properties button.
42. By default the Enable all purposes for this certificate is selected; select the Enable only the following purposes option and ensure all are ticked.
43. Click OK to close the Certificate Properties dialogue, and then click OK to close the 'Certificate' dialogue.
2.6 Configuring the IAS Remote Access Policies44. Open the Internet Authentication Service management console.
45. Select the Remote Access Policies branch.
46. Double-click the policy that you wish to use for EAP-PEAP authentication.
47. Select the Edit Profile button and chose the Authentication tab.
48. Ensure that the MS-CHAPv2 authentication method is selected, and then select the EAP-Methods button.
49. If Protected-EAP (PEAP) isn’t already listed in the EAP Types: select the Add button and then select Protected-EAP (PEAP) and then select OK.
50. If Protected-EAP (PEAP) is listed in the EAP Types box, then select it and then select the Edit button.
51. Select the IAS certificate from the Certificate Issued drop-down menu and then select Ok to close the dialogue.
Note: if you can’t see your certificate here, or get an error stating that there are no certificates available, try restarting the IAS service to force a reload of the certificate store.
52. Select Ok to close the Select EAP Providers dialogue.
53. Select Ok to close the Edit Dial-in Profile dialogue.
54. Select Ok to close the Remote Access Policy properties dialogue.
Appendix I – Example ias.cnf
The following text is an example openssl configuration file.
# Example ias.cnf
# typical usage
# openssl req -new -days 3650 -config ias.cnf -key server.key -out server.csr
# OpenSSL example configuration file.
# This is mostly being used for generation of certificate requests.
# This definition stops the following lines choking if HOME isn't
# defined.
HOME = .
[ req ] |
= 2048 |
string_mask |
= nombstr |
[ req_distinguished_name ] |
= Country Name (2 letter code) |
stateOrProvinceName |
= State or Province Name (full name) |
localityName |
= Locality Name (eg, city) |
0.organizationName |
= Organization Name (eg, company) |
organizationalUnitName |
= Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) |
commonName |
= Common Name (eg, YOUR name) |
emailAddress |
= Email Address |
[ req_attributes ] |
= A challenge password |
unstructuredName |
= An optional company name |
[ extensions ] |
= hash |
[ req_extensions ] |
= hash |
4. Appendix II – Acknowledgements
Stephen Pillinger, University of Birmingham.
Jan Tomasek, CESNET.
Martin Kafara, EMWAC Group.