How to become a content provider

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Vscene enables the educational community to collaborate with museums, libraries, galleries, archives and other providers of educational resources that meet certain requirements (accredited Content Providers: Content Providers must be recommended by a Local Authority, Grid for Learning, LTS or C2KNI). Content Providers are allowed to access the central facilities of Vscene in return for an annual service charge for each registered endpoint/venue. Content Providers can use the facilities for the sole purpose of the delivery of educational content to UK universities, research establishments, colleges and schools. A content provider request form will need to be completed.

National Videoconferencing Services

Jisc offers accredited Content Providers a national videoconferencing resource including:

  • a searchable national database of registered schools’ videoconferencing endpoints;
  • a web-based Booking Service, capable of scheduling a session or launching one instantly;
  • telephone operational support during videoconferencing sessions;
  • the ability to conference with multiple endpoints;
  • the ability to bridge between IP endpoints;
  • managed videoconferences – scheduled auto-dial out from MCU (multipoint conferencing units) to each endpoint;
  • quality Assurance Assessments of all registered endpoints – assessment and recommendations are made about the quality of audio and video of registered endpoints;
  • management of the Global Dialling Scheme – allocation of E.164 numbers to endpoints;
  • gatekeeper hierarchy – to facilitate dialling IP endpoints;
  • recording capability in a variety of formats and layouts;
  • web streaming of sessions to locations without any videoconference equipment;
  • access to a browser client that can link between traditional bespoke equipment and most browsers.

The Vscene Management Centre strives to ensure the highest possible quality of videoconferences. Access to these facilities will enable a Content Provider that has an IP connection and a suitable videoconferencing endpoint to videoconference with one or more schools which have IP connections.

Conditions of Use

Each accredited Content Provider is required to sign a licence agreement for the use of Vscene before registering with the Booking Service. The current charge for each registered videoconferencing endpoint is £300 plus VAT per annum, and is subject to periodic review. The Content Provider will then be eligible to access Vscene. Non UK based Content Providers can register with Vscene to deliver content to UK Schools only.

Prior to booking and participating in videoconferences every Content Provider is expected to complete a Quality Assurance Test satisfactorily for each of their endpoints to ensure a satisfactory experience. On successful completion of a Quality Assurance Test, no further test is required for 12 months, unless:

  • the endpoint is moved, replaced or upgraded;
  • changes are made to the connectivity or network in the Content Provider’s organisation that could affect quality;
  • a registered user informs the Vscene Management Centre that there are quality issues with a Content Provider’s endpoint.

Further tests should then be scheduled but there will be no charges for these additional tests.

By registering with Vscene, a Content Provider also agrees to:

  • use the service only for the delivery of educational content to registered venues at UK
  • schools and other educational establishments, or guest venues (an endpoint not registered with Vscene)
  • adhere to the provisions of the Acceptable Use Policy and Security Policy
  • pass a regular Quality Assurance Test every 12 months for each endpoint
  • acknowledge their use of Vscene in relevant publicity material.
  • reasonably assist Jisc with publicity, feedback and evaluation.

From time to time, Content Providers will be expected to complete questionnaires. This will inform the development of future services.

Booking a Videoconference

Vscene offers secure conferencing by a process of registration, authentication and authorisation. Each registered Content Provider further agrees to the following conditions, which apply to the booking of videoconferences via Vscene:

  • International endpoints may be brought into conferences, by inviting them in as unregistered guests at Jisc’s discretion.
  • Content Provider endpoints may not be booked by schools. Content Providers or their agents must make all their own bookings.
  • Unregistered endpoints at UK schools and other educational establishments may only be brought into videoconferences as guests at Jisc’s discretion. Unregistered eligible endpoints should be registered as soon as possible and may not become repeat guests. (A repeat guest is defined as the same unregistered endpoint/venue that is included in any booking more than 6 times within an academic year (1 September to 31 August).)

Jisc reserves the right to suspend or withdraw the Content Provider’s access to Vscene if the Content Provider fails to meet these conditions, or if the use is not considered to be beneficial to UK Education.

Access to Vscene

Videoconferencing over IP is preferred in terms of quality and cost, there being no call charges at the point of use. Content Providers may access the Vscene over IP in a number of ways.

  1. Via the global Internet (subject to the Content Provider’s connection providing sufficient bandwidth and reliability for the service to be stable).
  2. Via a Primary or Sponsored Connection to the Janet network.
  3. Via a Local Authority or Grid for Learning (and its connection to the National Education Network, interconnecting the Grids and implemented over the Janet network).

Advice, Guidance and Technical Support

Operational advice and guidance is available from Jisc concerning issues relating to specific videoconferences.

Technical advice and guidance can be sought from the Video Technology Advisory Service (VTAS), by emailing with ‘VTAS’ in the subject line.

Content Providers are expected to provide their own on-site technical support in addition to any advice or guidance provided by Vscene or VTAS.


Content Providers can liaise with Jisc via the Service Desk in order to register to use Vscene. Prior to authorisation, Jisc will need to verify the authenticity of the Content Provider. This will be achieved through liaison with the relevant responsible educational organisations.