Consultation Questions

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  1. Do you agree with the overall proposal: that universities and colleges should be able to use JANET in pursuit of their business and community engagement activities, as far as is possible within the same regulatory framework as that governing use of teaching and research activities?
  2. If you do not agree, please summarise your reasons for disagreeing.  Do you have an alternative proposal which would also lead to more effective use of JANET in pursuit of business and community engagement?  If so, please summarise this.
  3. If you do agree:

  4. Ultimately, state-aid constraints will govern the extent to which JANET regulations can operate in favour of unrestricted use in pursuit of business and community engagement.  If it does prove necessary to introduce a requirement that a university or college charges a “market rate” for the JANET component of services provided to a partner, would you be able to manage this requirement?  What, if any, assistance would you see JANET(UK) providing in this respect?
  5. In our consultation with BIS on state-aid constraints, should we explore a “de minimis” approach i.e. to find boundaries where it would represent no or very little statutory risk to provide JANET to a business or community partner without having to apply a “market rate” rule?  If so, what classes of partner would you envisage in this category and what would their characteristics be (e.g. size, turnover, purpose, state of the market in the area of operation)?
  6. Leaving state-aid constraints aside, is it acceptable that there would be no JANET charge to the university or college specifically for business and community engagement activities?  And that this is handled, if necessary, via any future general charging mechanism linked to a university or college’s overall use of JANET?  If not, what charging regime would you favour?
  7. Is it acceptable that the university or college has the responsibility and accountability for deciding which individual organisations partners would be appropriate partners to receive services involving use of JANET?  If not, how would you envisage these decisions being made?
  8. We are proposing that the use of JANET in supplying services to business and community partners be restricted to the IP service (including CSIRT and the IP and DNS services necessary to support the IP service fully), and should not include other JANET services outside a small subset such as purchasing agreements.  Is this acceptable?  If not, what should JANET(UK) do in this respect and what services are of particular importance?
  9. This paper analyses a number of “use case” examples that commonly arise.  Are these analyses helpful?  If not please tell us what more you would need to know.  Are there other use cases we should consider in finalising the proposal?