Idea: Are you interested in moving to Google Apps for Education?

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We’re starting discussions to help you with that move so please let us know if you would like our assistance. You can either post here or email

You can discuss cloud email in our group


+1 -1

We are testing office 365 (2013) with some lecturers and so far we are finding it very useful.

+1 -1

We are already using it.
I moved all the students across last year and this year we moved all college staff.
There are issues with sensitive data being placed in the cloud but I have adjusted our policies and trained all users on what they can and cannot store on their Google Drive.
Just in the process of decommissioning our old Exchange Server and I have to say I am not sorry to see it go.

I could see us dropping Moodle and using Google Apps I'm looking very closely at this.

If we could get assurances that the data didn't leave the UK I would go for Google Drive in a much bigger way.

Did I hear that Janet were in talks with Google on this matter?

+1 -1

We currently use Google apps (basic email) and live@edu (migration under way to Office365) both complement curriculum enabling students to use what they feel comfortable with.