Operations Transfer

2 March 2012 at 10:11am

Janet now fully manages the operation of Janet Aberdeen. In August 2009 the board of AbMAN resolved that it wished to make the transition and Janet extends its thanks to AbMAN Ltd, to the University of Aberdeen, to Robert Gordon University and to the Janet Aberdeen community for the hard work and cooperation which enabled the operation to proceed so smoothly.

To migrate the service, arrangements had to be made to continue the connections for the four Sponsored connections hosted by AbMAN Ltd, which formed half the total of eight AbMAN connections. Of these, the Scottish Agricultural College has become a Primary Janet connection and the remaining institutions are now sponsored by either Aberdeen University or Robert Gordon University. The two Regional Network Entry Points connecting Janet Aberdeen to Janet continue to be housed at the University of Aberdeen. New IP routing equipment was installed by Janet and a seamless migration from the old routers was concluded in July 2010.