Last updated: 
2 months 3 weeks ago
Group Manager

New: Presentations from NHS-HE Forum on 11th June 2020; NHS-HE IG WG meeting 7th July 2020

NHS-Higher Education Connectivity Project: about

NHS-HE Forum: about+archive, last meeting, next - November 2020 tba

Scotland NHS-HE Forum:archive, next - currently on hold

NHS & eduroam, List of hospitals providing eduroam

Govroam  - roaming federation for the public services

NHS-HE Information Governance Working Group - particularly for those involved in applying for health data for research, especially where this involves an NHS Digital Data Security and Protection Toolkit submission

Please join this group and comment, also the parallel NHS-HE Forum JISCMAIL group for email updates.

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Group administrators:



Many thanks for being a member of the NHS-HE Forum and Connectivity group on the site. The community site is being closed over the coming months and this group will no longer be supported on it after 12th April 2021.

The group is being re-created as a group on Microsoft Teams. Please look out for an invitation to join the replacement group on Teams over the next 10 days. If you have any queries please just email me at


eduroam has often been extended in to the NHS to support students on clinical placement and clinicians with joint NHS and University roles in clinical research and/or education. The case studies are here. Current best attempt at a list of hospitals where eduroam is available as an SSID from the NHS wireless network is:


The NHS-HE Forum work on Content Issues was for many years led by Paul Ayris, Director of Library Services and UCL Copyright Officer. Although still with his oversight, in more recent years the main role has been with Betsy Anagnostelis, Librarian at the Royal Free Hospital Medical Library and Joint Biomedical Team Leader, UCL Library Services. Ann Lees of NHS Education Scotland is the link for this work in Scotland.

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