We want Networkshop41 to continue meeting the specific needs of research and education, so we are asking for input from the sector to the conference programme whether as a presenter, to contribute ideas or suggest a speaker. To find out more, please read the Call for Papers at https://www.ja.net/sites/default/files/images/NWS41%20Call%20for%20Papers%20on%20ja.net.pdf
Please quote the following code when responding to this call: NWS4115
We want Networkshop41 to continue meeting the specific needs of research and education, so we are asking for input from the sector to the conference programme whether as a presenter, to contribute ideas or suggest a speaker. To find out more, please read the Call for Papers at https://www.ja.net/sites/default/files/images/NWS41%20Call%20for%20Papers%20on%20ja.net.pdf