Last updated: 
4 hours 25 min ago
Group Manager
This site is for Janet customers in the London region and aims to provide a method of sharing information and ideas for our customers within London. Janet encourages you to interact with us through this group to share your ideas and current work so that others may benefit from your experiences and help inform the shaping of Janet services.

Group administrators:

Janet London Procurement - Contract Signed

4 February 2014 at 1:50pm

The contract for Janet connections in the London region was signed 7th November 2013 and work now begins in earnest to plan, build and deliver your Janet connections.

You should have received details from Gary Blake, the Janet Project Manager in late September or early October this year.

Janet(UK) is working closely with Virgin Media to deliver the necessary infrastructure and you will be contacted by Virgin Media and/or their contractors in the coming weeks with regards to access for survey’s etc. In line with this, Janet(UK) will be establishing individual workflows and you will receive correspondence regarding the completion of paperwork and for the purposes of updating information relevant to delivering your new services.

If you have any questions please contact or


Order Update

Virgin Media are continuing to make arrangements with customers in the region to undertake site survey's. Workflows relating to the connections on order have been created and you should have been contacted by the circuits provisioning team with regards to the completion of paperwork.

If you haven't had contact from Virgin Media yet you will be on their list so please be patient. It is important however, to respond to them as soon as possible as a delay may impact the overall timescales for delivery.

We are expecting the majority of the connections (80%) to be delivered by the end of May 2014 with the remaining 20 % to be delivered by the end of June 2014.

Individual updates with regards to the precise target delivery date for your connection will be supplied via the normal process through the workflows.

If you have any comments or questions please contact me via or via Tel: 01235 822211