Janet Broadband Policy Watch

Last updated: 
5 months 2 weeks ago
Blog Manager

This blog monitors and reports on broadband policy and marketplace developments in the UK, Europe and worldwide that are likely to be of interest to the Janet community.

Posts here may also reference my Broadband Policy Watch blog and you can also find me on Twitter.

Blog Article

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) announced six pilot projects to test innovative ways to connect offices, schools and other public sector buildings to full fibre broadband services.

Blog Article

Reuters reported that Vodafone is considering investing in full fibre broadband connections if it can find partners to share costs; see this previous post for further background on this (in relation to Vodafone’s discussions with Openreach) and also this related Vodafone

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The European Union’s Broadband Competence Offices Network Support Facility (BCO-SF) published new guidance on the financial tools that can boost broadband investment in support of Member States and private investors.