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Suggested Jobs for your eduroam Service during the Summer
August 2013 - 14/08/2013
Originator - Alan Buxey
As part of the continuing programme of improving the eduroam services provided by our members throughout the UK we are contacting organisations on an individual basis where particular issues have been identified. However there are some fairly simple things in the Technical Specification, not involving any RADIUS/802.1X/Wi-Fi aspects, that members can check and fix where necessary to improve their services without needing to be prompted by eduroam(UK).
Service Aspects to Check
1) You must have an eduroam service information web page that covers your eduroam service - giving information to your users on what it is and how to configure devices to use the service (ideally including a link to deployment/configuration tools!)
- this website MUST have a link to
- this website MUST have the eduroam logo on it (a legal/legit version as per )
2) Your eduroam RADIUS servers (ORPS) must be PINGable from the three National proxies (NRPS) and from the Support server. IF you are using Cisco ACS/ISE with its hardening script then the system will use TCP port 2002 instead from just the Support server (in which case your firewall only needs to be open for that port from the Support server, not the NRPS as well).
3) Organisations running a Home service SHOULD look at using NAPTR records to get auth packets from their International roaming users back to the UK more effectively from other countries:
4) eduroam CAT is a free 802.1X deployment tool for eduroam developed by TERENA partners as part of the eduroam project in Europe. If you are not using SU1X or XpressConnect you should find CAT invaluable.
One of the biggest issues we hear from sites is that getting users correctly configured for 802.1X networks is complex and requires lots of documentation. Deployment tools reduce the load and those requirements - reducing burden on your service desk.
Whilst we have had a sizeable number of requests for admin accounts on the CAT server, there are still nearly a hundred eligible sites in eduroam(UK) which have not asked for their eduroamCAT token so that they can start using this tool. If you are providing an operational Home service, why not get your admin account set up and have a look at the capability of the tool?
More info here: