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Advice regarding keeping eduroam credentials secure
Over the past few weeks we've come across a number of situations where users have been sharing, or encouraging the sharing of eduroam credentials between each other. For instance a user might want to provide temporary access for a friend or a visiting lecturer from a non-eduroam organisation might want immediate network access. It should be clear to us as system managers that this is not safe behaviour.
This might be a good opportunity to remind your users that their passwords are not simply something that provides network access but are also a critical part of their online identity that like a driving licence or passport should not be shared.
Lending your eduroam credentials to a friend would result in you being held accountable for any misuse. It's also worth remembering that these credentials do not just provide access to a network, but will often provide access to e-mail, file storage and VPNs that may contain highly personal and sensitive information.