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Uptake of NAPTR record definition in DNS (to enable RadSec DD) is increasing
The latest organisations to define NAPTR records in their DNS to boost international roaming authentication performance for their users are:
National Science Learning Centre
Northumbria University
Rothamsted Research
The Pirbright Institute
University of Glamorgan
These join the list of the following (gold star!) organisations which were the first to carry out the configuration:
Coventry University
Liverpool John Moores University
Loughborough University
University of Bristol
University of Cambridge
University of Reading
University of Strathclyde
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
How the definition of a NAPTR (Name Authority Pointer) record that points to the Janet roaming _radsec._tcp. record and enables international authentications to utilise RadSec dynamic discovery is described in the eduroam blog:
It is pretty simple to do.